
專利名稱(中) 高強度低模數合金及其用途
專利名稱(英) High strength and low modulus alloy and use thereof
專利家族 中華民國:I755263
美國:11,466,348 B2
專利權人 國立清華大學 100%
發明人 葉均蔚
技術領域 材料化工,機械結構
The present invention discloses a high strength and low modulus alloy comprising: at least five principal elements and at least one additiv elements, wherein the five principal elements are Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, and Sn, and the additive element(s) are selected from the group consisting of V, W, Cr, and Hf. According to the present invention, a summation of Ti and Zr in atomic percent is less than or equal to 85, and the forgoing additive elements have a summation in atomic percent less than or equal to 4. Experimental data reveal that, samples of the high strength and low modulus alloy all have a yield strength greater than 600MPa and a Young’s modulus less than 90GPa. As a result, experimental data have proved that the high strength and low modulus alloy has a significant potential for applications in manufacture of varisous industrial components and/or devices, medical devices, and surgical implants.
承辦人姓名 楊美茹
承辦人電話 03-5715131 #62305
承辦人Email mjyang2@mx.nthu.edu.tw
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