專利授權區 | |
專利名稱(中) | 細胞分選方法 |
專利家族 |
PCT:WO 2023/173239 A1(公開號) 中華民國:I825620 大陸:CN 116790497 A(公開號) 歐盟:WO 2023/173239 A1(公開號) 美國:US-2023-0287337-A1(公開號) |
專利權人 | 國立清華大學 100% |
發明人 | 曾繁根,吳仁貴,簡志軒 |
技術領域 | 光電光學 |
專利摘要(英) |
Cell sorting methods are disclosed. A blood sample is provided. The blood sample is centrifuged to obtain a cell mixture having target cells and non-target cells. one or more fluorescent markers are added to the cell mixture to allow the fluorescent marker(s) to bind with the target cells. A hydrogel solution is added and mixed with the cell mixture to form a mixture solution. The mixture solution is distributed to cell wells of an array chip, and the target cells and non-target cells in the cell mixture are spread on the bottom of the cell wells in a substantially monolayer manner. The mixture solution is cured. Fluorescence image analysis is performed to select the target cells that are bound with fluorescent marker(s) and emit fluorescence, and the selected target cells are separated. |
聯絡資訊 | |
承辦人姓名 | 楊美茹 |
承辦人電話 | 03-5715131 #62305 |
承辦人Email | mjyang2@mx.nthu.edu.tw |