一種可優化厚度和能量轉換效率之可彎曲的太陽能晶片,其具有:一太陽能晶片本體,其具有一頂面、一底面、及四個側邊;以及一層奈米結構,其係位於所述側邊上,其中該太陽能晶片本體的厚度係介於50μm至120μm之間,或介於120μm至140μm之間,或介於140μm至160μm之間,且該層奈米結構具有介於2μm至8μm之間的深度。 A bendable solar cell capable of optimizing thickness and conversion efficiency, comprising: a solar cell body having a top surface, a bottom surface, and four side walls; and a layer of nanostructures located on said side walls, wherein said solar cell body has a thickness ranging from about 50μm to about 120μm, and said layer of nanostructures has a depth ranging from about 2μm to 8μm. |