專利授權區 | |
專利名稱(中) | 具有超寬吸收放射差的奈米晶及其製法 |
專利名稱(英) | Nanocrystal with A large stokes shift and a method for preparing the same |
專利家族 |
中華民國:I671916 大陸:CN110396402B 美國:US 11,401,466 B2 |
專利權人 | 國立清華大學 100% |
發明人 | 楊貽晴,陳學仕 |
技術領域 | 材料化工,通信傳輸,能源科技 |
專利摘要(英) |
A nanocrystal with a large Stokes shift includes a matrix domain having a composition of M1xM2yAz, and a plurality of seed domains which are distributed in the matrix domain and each of which has a composition of M1x’M2y’Az’, wherein M1, M2, A, x, y, z, x’, y’, and z’ are as defined herein. |
聯絡資訊 | |
承辦人姓名 | 楊美茹 |
承辦人電話 | 03-5715131 #62305 |
承辦人Email | mjyang2@mx.nthu.edu.tw |