專利授權區 | |
專利名稱(中) | 萃取微藻中油脂的方法及裝置以及由微藻製造脂肪酸酯的方法及裝置 |
專利名稱(英) | Method and apparatus of extracting lipids and preparing fatty acid esters from microalgae |
專利家族 |
中華民國:I522459 美國:9,994,790 |
專利權人 | 國立清華大學 100.00% |
發明人 | 王信智,談駿嵩 |
技術領域 | 材料化工,生化醫藥 |
專利摘要(中) |
A method and an apparatus of extracting lipids from microalgae are provided. In the method, pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2) is dissolved in a liquid alcohol to form a CO2-expanded alcohol solution at a pressure of about 400-1500 psi and a temperature of about 30-65° C. Next, the CO2-expanded alcohol solution contacts microalgae to extract the lipids from the microalgae. A method and an apparatus of preparing fatty acid esters from microalgae are disclosed as well. |
聯絡資訊 | |
承辦人姓名 | 李馥如 |